Mr Faisal also offers revision hip surgery, Whilst most hip replacements are functioning well 10 years after being put in, some hips may fail earlier than expected. Most hips that need revision have with time become loose, and this in part is due to the ball wearing away the liner of the socket. This leads to an inflammatory process and the stem and/or socket get loose, and patients start getting pain on walking and restricted range of motion.

Other reason’s for a hip replacement to fail are infection, dislocation is another reason for revising your hip, particularly if the hip repeatedly comes out of joint.

Less commonly, patients fracture around the stem of their hip replacements and require revision.

Revision surgery is more major surgery. The procedure itself often takes two hours or more to perform as it involves the careful removal of your old hip and preparation of the often weakened and damaged bone and then implanting a new hip. This more extensive surgery does have slightly increased risks of both infection and dislocation compared to first time surgery but recent studies have shown that the patient satisfaction and outcomes following redo surgery, is nearly as good as after primary hip replacement.

Mr Faisal has a special interest in revision hip surgery and is the lead for the multidisciplinary meeting at Warwick hospital where all major revision cases are discussed with peers from regional hospitals so that patients get the best possible treatment.

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